
Samsung Gear integration: current state

UPDATE 20161104:

The Gear S2 addon is back on the Gear store.

Find it under name Sleep as Android – Native Gear Companion.

Also make sure to install Sleep as Android – Gear Addon on your phone.

UPDATE 20160919: Samsung has instructed us how to solve the issues. We have to rewrite the watch app from Javascript to C-based app as the needed functions for long running apps are not available in the Javascript based one. The testing version of the app is available here with instructions.

UPDATE 20160901: We have finally received a reply from Samsung regarding the issues. Samsung has introduced a Doze mode-like feature which is periodically killing processes when screen is off. We will be releasing an update to the Android addon with a workaround very soon.

On this page you will find updates regarding the Samsung Gear S / S2 integration with Sleep as Android. We had a lot of issues with this particular hardware to this date, some of which rendered the integration unusable for certain users.

We are very sorry if you are suffering issues with sleep tracking using your Gear S / S2 watch. We are aware of the issues and working intensively to resolve them.

Please note that if the steps below do not resolve your problem, you can still use sleep tracking using your phone’s accelerator sensor. Moreover in the latest BETA version we introduced contact-less sleep tracking using ultrasound. If you are interested in giving it a try, please opt-in for our latest BETA version here:

Please first check that you have the latest Sleep as Android Gear Companion from the Play Store:

Also also the latest watch app called “Sleep as Android GearCompanion” installed on your S2 using the Gear Manager. In case you had the previous add-on version installed, please make sure to remove them before installing the Companion apps.

If you are still experiencing sleep tracking data outages (red bars in the sleep graph). Please note that it seems with the release of firmware R732XXU2DPFB and R730XXU2DPFB background process support stopped working properly on Gear S2. Even with keeping the CPU wake lock from time to time (most of the night) our app stops working. For weeks we have been trying to find the cause in our code, but it is more and more obvious that the latest firmware update broke background support on Gear S2. We are working on a workaround just now and should be releasing it soon on the Galaxy Store. The note that the approval process usually takes at least a week.

The issue we are suffering is has been reported to Samsung, on the developer forums:
We did also report this to our developer contact and now are waiting for response from Samsung..

Many thanks for all of your help and big sorry for the issues.

18 thoughts on “Samsung Gear integration: current state

  1. Did you get any informatiopn about the Gear Fit 2?
    I really would like to use the App with the Watch because i use the app since around 3 years and i sleep so much better.

  2. I also want to know when this app is compatible for the gear fit 2.

    The watch is really cool and your app would go perfect with it. Here’s hoping Samsung works with you all to make it happen!

  3. Additional request for fit2 support, fyi there was a promotion for a free fit2 for Galaxy 7 phones in August so you’ll see their usage has gone up quite a bit (we have 2).

    1. Im new to this idea, but am very intrigued.. does this increase the quantity/quality of your sleep, or simply measure REM or amiunf of times I wake up at night? My brother has xtremely severe sleep apnea, how would this help? And do I need to buy any hardwarr

  4. Is there any update on getting the sleep tracking on the Gear S2 working again. The only reason I use sleep as a Droid is for sleep tracking with a wearable. I tried the beta work around, but it’s a bit too much for me.

    1. Hello Francois,
      please make sure to use the new companion app for sleep tracking with Galaxy Gear devices.

      Please uninstall the Sleep Gear app from your watch and install the “Sleep As Android – Native Gear Companion” from the Gear store.
      Also make sure to update to the latest version of Sleep as Android – GearCompanion on your phone.

    1. Hi Arick, please make sure to search exactly for Sleep as Android – Native Gear Companion. You may need to narrow the search to Health&Fitness category.

    1. Hi Andreas, we haven’t tried it ourselves, but we have reports that Samsung Gear S3 works alright with SAA. Heartrate monitor is still not supported directly (we however automatically import HR information from S Health in the morning), but we’ll add it soon.

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