Supported wearables - list

Sleep as Android supports a wide variety of smartwatches.

Our top-pick at the moment: TicWatch 5 PRO, it supports SpO2, HR, HRV (you can read more about our top pick here).

Legend for sensors

Movement detected from the wearables' accelerometer


Heart rate (HR)


Heart rate variability (HRV)


Blood oxygen saturation (SpO2)

Manufacturer Device Supported sensors Notes

Wear OS devices

Android Wear 1.0
Wear OS 2.0
Wear OS 3.0
Wear OS 4.0
Wear OS 5.0


You need:
- a companion app installed from the Play Store on the watch
- Play Services on the watch

Details here.

Wear OS devices
SpO2 support

Ticwatch Pro 3 πŸ’Ÿ/β—Œ
TicWatch Pro 3 Ultra GPS
Ticwatch E 3
Ticwatch 5
TicWatch Atlas
Fossil Gen 6


If you have a Wear OS-based wearable with Spo2 sensor, that is not on the list, please let us know. We can adjust the parameters and integrate the sensor on other watches too.

Details here.

Wear OS devices
HRV support

Ticwatch Pro 3


Ticwatch devices do not allow SpO2 reading and HRV data at once.

If you have a Wear OS-based wearable with HRV sensor, that is not on the list, please let us know. We can check the logs if the wearable provides the required data we could read.

Details here.

Polar bands

Polar Verity Sense, H10, OH1


Full sleep tracking

Details here.

Polar SDK watches

Polar 360, Vantage V3, Vantage Grit X2 PRO, Pacer, Pacer Pro, Ignite 3, Grit X2 Pro


Full sleep tracking

Details here.

Details on how to connect the watch here.

Polar H9 SDK



Only HR measurement, Details on how to connect the watch here.

Polar H7



Only HR measurement

Xiaomi Mi Bands

Mi Band 1, Mi Band 2, Mi Band 3, Mi Band 4, Mi Band 5, Mi Band 6, Mi Band 7


You need:
- Notify for Mi Band companion app.

Details here.

Xiaomi Mi Bands

Mi Band 8 (PRO), Mi Band 7 Pro, Redmi Band 2, Redmi Watch 2, Redmi Watch 3


You need:
- Notify for Xiaomi & Mi Fitness companion app.

Details here.

Xiaomi Mi Bands

Mi Band 1 (except 1S), Mi Band 2, Mi Band 3, Mi Band 4, Mi Band 5, Mi Band 6, Mi Band 7


You need:
- Tools & MiBand companion app.

Details here.

Huami Amazfits

Amazfit GTS, Amazfit GTS 2 Amazfit GTS 3, Amazfit GTS 2E, Amazfit GTS 2 Mini, Amazfit GTR, Amazfit GTR 2, Amazfit GTR 2E, Amazfit GTR 3, Amazfit GTR 3 PRO, Amazfit T-Rex, Amazfit Bip, Amazfit Bip S, Amazfit Bip Lite, Amazfit Arc, Amazfit Cor, Amazfit Cor 2


You need:
- Tools & Amazfit companion app

Also see T&A help.

Details here.

Huami Amazfits

Amazfit T-Rex, Amazfit GTS, Amazfit GTR (47mm & 42mm), Amazfit GTR Lite (47mm & 42mm), Amazfit Verge Lite, Amazfit Bip Lite, Amazfit Bip & Amazfit Bip S, Amazfit Bip 3, Amazfit Mi Dong Cor, Amazfit Arc)


You need:
- Notify & Fitness for Amazfit companion app.

Details here.


1 & 2 - all variants


You need:
- Watch/Phaser Starter for Sleep.
- the official app and the Rebble project or GadgetBridge.

Details here.


Ionic, Versa, Versa Lite, Versa 2, Versa Sense, Versa 3


You need:
- Fitbit app

Automatic tracking start is not avilable.


Galaxy Watch 4
Galaxy Watch 5
Galaxy Watch 6


You need:
- an addon the watch from the Play Store on the watch.

One UI Watch wearables do not allow 3rd party apps to read SpO2 data.

Details here.

Connect IQ

ConnectIQ devices
(supported watches)


You need:
- an addon for phone
- a watch app

Details here.


iMacwear M7


Sleep works on these kinds of devices out of the box, the same as on a full scale Android smartphone.




Only HR measurement




Only HR measurement




You need:
- Gadget bridge.
HR only when the HR tracking app is running


  • Make sure no system restrictions are applied to Sleep as Android: Check our guide here.

  • If the guide doesn’t help, send us your log using Left ☰ menu → ic help q Support →ic bug Report a bug.

  • Garmin watches have a system-wide gesture backlight setting that lights up your screen on wrist move, when you move your wrist while running an application. By default, this setting is ON.

    1. Go to Settings/System/Lighting/During Activity/Gesture and turn it off. Now the light will not come on when you run or bike and turn your wrist. Make sure it’s still on for buttons and alarms so that it turns on when you need it during exercise.

  • Fenix 6: It may be possible to set a power mode / power profile in the power manager so that the backlight doesn’t only light up in the sleep app.

This dialog is the only way to start a watch app from the phone. Unfortunately, there’s no way to do it without this dialog.

However, there is a bug in the Garmin firmware that breaks this dialog on Vivoactive watches.

In this case, please don’t start sleep tracking from the phone.
As a workaround, start sleep tracking from the watch (just start the app on the watch and it will trigger sleep tracking on the phone).

When initiating sleep tracking from the phone, you must confirm a dialog on the watch, asking you if you want to launch Sleep. To initiate the connection between the watch and the phone, we need to launch the Sleep app on the watch - but the way Garmin designed it, it is not possible to programmatically launch an app on the watch without asking the user for consent.

This seems like an odd choice in the context of sleep tracking. The reason, as explained by Garmin, is that all ConnectIQ apps are treated as "activities," meaning actual physical activity, and the watches only allow one app to run at a time (no multitasking). You wouldn’t want a random app to replace your current activity (say, recording your run in the middle of a marathon) and cause you to lose your data. Looks like we’ll have to live with that :/.

In general, all new Android versions

Google has made it impossible to launch screens from the background in newer Android versions. Because of this, we can no longer show the alarm screen with the big buttons in the usual settings. The app can only show notifications in the background if the screen is on when the alarm starts. If the screen is locked, we can usually show the full screen alarm.

  1. Go to Settings → Alarms → Fullscreen alarm (may be hidden under Advanced in the Snooze/Dismiss section), and enable this option.

  2. This will take you to the System Preferences where you will need to give the Draw/Display over other apps permission.

XiaoMi / MIUI

On Xiaomi/MIUI, you need to give special permission to Sleep as Android to unlock your screen during an alarm.

  1. Go to System _Settings → Permissions → Advanced Permissions → select Sleep app and give it permission to access the lock screen.

Note If you are using a CAPTCHA task from the CAPTCHA add-on, please make sure that the permission is also given to the add-on.

When the alarm goes off, it does not disable the lock screen and you will need to manually unlock the device to tap snooze or dismiss.

You may have Sleep as Android enabled under Edge Lighting (Edge Lighting on some versions). This causes the alarm popup not to appear above the lock screen because the notification appears as a light around the edge of the screen.

  1. Disable Border lights for Sleep as Android in your device’s settings.

This can be the result of several things, so please try the following troubleshooting steps:

  1. Make sure you have Sleep as Android Gear Addon installed on your phone and updated to the latest version.

  2. It may happen that the addon can not be started by us if it was force stopped before. In this case, please go to the Play Store app on your phone, open addon page, tap "OPEN".

  3. Disable all battery savers on your phone for all involved apps (Sleep as Android, Sleep as Android Gear Addon, Samsung Accessory Services) - to find out how to do this, please visit

  4. Samsung Accessory Services sometimes misbehaves and prevents 3rd party apps from connecting to the watch. Please uninstall and reinstall it.

If the tracking stops completely after few minutes, the background processes are restricted by your system.

  • Make sure no system restrictions are applied to Sleep as Android, or any companion app for a tracking with wearable: Check our guide here.

  • If the guide won’t help, send us your log using Left ☰ menu → ic help q Support →ic bug Report a bug.

The red block indicates that something went wrong with tracking at that time and the device stopped providing sensor data for some reason. Usually those are some non-standard battery optimizations or battery savers, the battery gets too low so we preserve it for the alarm or connectivity issue if you use a wearable.

1. Battery restrictions

Make sure no system restrictions are applied to Sleep, or any involved apps like wearable companion app).
See our guide here, and follow the instructions.

2. Too low battery

When the battery is too low (usually below 10%), data collecting is terminated to preserve enough battery for alarm.
When the battery was too low, there is a battery icon is displayed on the graph:

low battery
Figure 1. Low battery graph

3. Connectivity issues with a wearable

When the connection with the wearable is lost, you can see red sections on the graph. The app always tries to reach the wearable again.
The graph can look like this:

red wearable
Figure 2. Connection lost during tracking
  1. Opt-out from any battery restrictions is applied by your system (

  2. Pair the wearable with your phone in System settings.

  3. Make sure the BT is not lost, and try lowering the distance between the phone and the wearable.

  4. Try settings the device as Trusted device.