
UPDATE2: Not everyone has the latest Android version, so we have made few hacks and workarounds on Android 11 and earlier devices to make the Bedtime widget work well in the 1×1 and not too much worse in the default 2×1. Hopefully this will further address some of the issues reported in the discussion below.  […]

Personalized Sleep detail and Morning briefing

Similarly to the main Dashboard screen in the latest version of Sleep as Android you can also personalize your Sleep detail and Morning briefing screen. You can swipe unnecessary cards away or pin important cards to the top.  Morning briefing can be customized independently on Sleep detail. So if you decide you want to see […]

We finally have a new king of smart watch!

I have been working on sleep tracking tech for the last 13 years and since 2010 I have integrated many different wearable devices and platforms with Sleep as Android (our pioneer sleep tracking app). We integrated nearly every wearable with an open API… Starting with the king of smartwatches the Pebble and the early Android […]

Sleep Regularity Index

Regularity is the key to healthy sleep. For many years now Sleep as Android makes your sleep regularity a central focus in your Sleep Score just beside the Duration measure. In fact more evidence is emerging that regularity may play even be more important role in sleep than duration. See for instance Sleep regularity is […]

Lullabies and Ringtones new look!

Most common feedback from new Sleep as Android users is not about features, reliability, data or integrations. We have focused on that heavily over the last 12 years. Instead they ask for the app to look nicer and the UX to be easier to use and understand.  We have heart you folks! I would like […]

Sleep as Android adds Android 12 Material YOU colors

Sleep as Android will completely re-color when you change your wallpaper on Android 12 with Material YOU.  This is now being rolled out to production or you can get it right now when joining our BETA testers group on the Play Store page of the app (https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/sleep-as-an-droid forum membership required)  Watch this video on YouTube […]