
Lullabies and Ringtones new look!

Most common feedback from new Sleep as Android users is not about features, reliability, data or integrations. We have focused on that heavily over the last 12 years. Instead they ask for the app to look nicer and the UX to be easier to use and understand. 

We have heart you folks! I would like to announce Michal Feltl – a super experienced Android UX designer – is joining our quest for a simpler and more beautiful Sleep as Android in 2023!

Winter and well Christmas is coming. As a little present please welcome our new Lullaby screen:

This is now in our BETA track. To get the latest BETA update from the Play Store, please Please first join our BETA Testers Google Group and then join BETA at https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.urbandroid.sleep

Or you can download the APK at our website.

Please let as know how you like this and what screen would need to be redesigned next ideally using this form.

Happy holiday season!

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