
Pair Tracking

Get a cleaner sleep record for yourself and your partner

We are proud to announce a new feature in Sleep As Android – Pair tracking. It helps you to get a cleaner record of your sleep phases by combining the measurements from your and your partner’s phone, using any combination of sensors.

The very core function of Sleep as Android is monitoring sleep phases – light and deep. There is a bunch of features triggered by a sleep phase. Many of you enjoy a pleasant wake-up in the light phase with our smart alarm. True sleep enthusiasts experiment with lullabies or lucid dreaming, which also need to be triggered in the right sleep phase.

We estimate the current phase by monitoring body movement throughout the night, and identifying distinct periods with relatively high/low amount of body movement. We support a wide range of different sensors to monitor the activity: in-device accelerometer, sonar, various smart wearables, or Sleep Phaser. Anyone can choose what best fits his taste and conditions.

Does my partner break my sleep record?

What happens when there are two people sleeping in the bed? Each of them moves independently and their sleep phases are often not synchronized. Does my partner’s movement affect my sleep phases measurement? Does his tossing and turning show as light sleep in my actigraph? Could they, for example, trigger my smart alarm at a wrong time?

Well, strictly speaking, they could. The reach of the sensors is 1-2 meters and indeed, some of the partner’s activity gets always recorded by the other device. The question is how significant its impact is.

We performed a series of measurements with various sensors to asses the effect. The answer is that it’s all right in most cases. The sensitivity of a sensor decreases quadratically with the distance of a moving object. If the two people sleep mostly on their respective halves of the bed, and if the sensors are placed at the opposite sides of the bed, as is shown in the picture above, the influence of the partner’s movement is negligible, and the sleep phase measurement is mostly correct.

Fair enough, but…

This simple answer is not good enough for some of our users though. If one partner is tossing too heavily in his bed, it actually may break the other’s record. Also, when two lovebirds cuddle too closely in the bed, or when the sensors ale placed too close to each other, the activity of the two people gets mixed, and the resulting record may be meaningless. So far, we have been able to record only the compound activity of the two lovebirds. It has been impossible to extract their individual sleep phases.

Pair tracking is the ultimate answer

No mixed records any more! We proudly announce a new feature in Sleep As Android, called Pair tracking, which aims to overcome this drawback, so that the both partners can enjoy the advantages of sleep phase detection in its full.

It works like this: The both partners measure the sleep with a phone (or Sleep Phaser) on their respective sides of the bed. Each sensor receives a mixed signal, as explained above. However, each of the two sensors measures the situation from a different perspective – there is always a stronger signal of the closer sleeper mixed with a weaker signal from the remote one. If we have the both signals, we are able, to a great extent, infer the separate activity of each of the two sleepers, clear each one’s record from the influence of the other partner, and hence make the sleep phase detection work again. It works with any combination of our supported devices – Sleep Phaser, smart wearables, sonar, or in-phone accelerometer.

Technically, when Pair tracking is activated, the two mobile phones connect to each other, and they keep exchanging the current activity data throughout the whole night. Each phone knows the activity measurement from the both perspectives, and can effectively subtract the partner’s activity from it’s own measurements.

Let’s see it in action

Let’s demonstrate it on a simple example, based on the real data. Here is an actigraph representing one night’s activity of Alice, the heroine of our story.

This is her ideal pure activity as if measured by a sensor attached to her body. It is a pretty typical sleep record, we can see there several phases of low and high activity.

However, she shares her bed with Bob, who had a heavy dinner and sleeps badly tonight. He keeps tossing and turning on his bed heavily all the night. If Alice uses a contactless sensor for her sleep tracking, and does not have Pair tracking activated, her actigraph will be strongly influenced by Bob’s movement and may look something like this:

Her deep sleep phases are mostly erased by Bob’s movement. It will affect her sleep statistics, as well as the functionality of smart alarm and other features.

However, if she turns our new Pair tracking feature on, her phone connects to Bob’s. It will continuously receive updates of Bob’s activity, and can almost completely discount it off her chart. The resulting record will look something like this. Distinct true sleep phases again. The dashed gray line represents the original ideal record for comparison.

Furthermore, it does not matter what sensor is Alice or Bob using. Our algorithm normalizes data from different sensors to the same amplitude and variance, so they can be combined freely. Either side can use any of our supported sensors/wearables and pair tracking will still work.

Looks too good to be true? Well, try it yourself, and see. Just update your Sleep As Android, check how to turn the sleep tracking on in our documentation, and enjoy your sleep phases undisturbed, no matter what you and your partner are doing throughout the night.

16 thoughts on “

Pair Tracking

Get a cleaner sleep record for yourself and your partner

  1. Will be setting this up soon. But like the person before said, need adjustments to compensate for kids getting on bed at night. Only difference is mine are furry with four legs, and the cat occasionally sleeps on the phone.

  2. Is there a way to just turn off the sleep tracker? I work an irregular schedule and just wanted the app for the features requiring actual thinking to snooze/shut off the alarm. Everytime it bugs me to allow permissions for the sleep tracking to work, or anything else related to it, it just pushes me closer to uninstalling and finding another option, not to mention eliminating any possibility of paying for premium. If there was just an Off or Disable option for that, I’d pay in a heartbeat, but if there is one, I can’t find it.

    1. Hello Jim, If you wish to use only alarm without the tracking, just set and start the alarm without tapping on the moon icon. Unless you choose the feature Smart wake up, the tracking won’t be initiated. And if there are some notifications, you can turn them off in Settings – Sleep tracking – Sleep time estimate – and choose Disable. Lenka

  3. I don’t appear to have that option in the Sleep Tracking part of the settings, and already had everything related to it turned off. I did figure it out though, just posting it in case anyone else gets annoyed by it. Un-checking the “Do not disturb when sleeping” option stops the message to grant permissions for adjusting Do Not Disturb (DND) times whenever the app is opened. That was honestly the only gripe I had with the app. Now that I’ve got it figured out, I’ll likely be paying for the premium version next payday, since it works better than any other alarm app I have. Thank you for the reply, especially since I wasn’t more clear about what was frustrating me.

  4. Ever since Android doesn’t allow other apps switch off mobile data, I use airplane mode at night. This feature clearly needs some kind of connection but I cannot find which one. Is Bluetooth required for this to work?

  5. I would love to know how having my dog in bed with me affects the tracking.. I have a suspicion she has been making my alarm go off earlier as she wants to be fed 😭🤣

  6. Hi Emily, that’s perfectly possible. The app is monitoring overall activity in the bed, and we are not able to distinguish whether it is you or the dog moving. So, if she wakes up and starts doing something, it can trigger the alarm.

  7. No matter what we do the pair finding keeps failing after a long timeout. Can you share any troubleshooting tips or a technical description of how the pair matching works? Like, do the devices need to be on the same network, or Bluetooth range or sonar range is how they pairing is made. Right now it’s a black box that “just fails”.

  8. Hello Juho,

    Sorry for your troubles with pair tracking.

    Technically, pair tracking is built on top of Nearby API. It attempts to connect via local wifi or bluetooth (whichever is available).

    You can send us a crash report. After a failed pairing attempt, please go to the main menu/Report a bug. It will send us detailed diagnostic information that allows us to analyze your issue.

    There was a problem with pair tracking on Android 10, which we fixed a couple of weeks ago. If you or your partner have android 10, please update the app see if it helps.

    Otherwise, pair tracking should work out of the box, I have just generic hints, such as:
    – Please grant the app any permissions that it asks for.
    – You can try to disable and enable bluetooth.
    – You can try to restart the phone.
    – Check our documentation:

    Best Regards


  9. Is it possible to use pair tracking if your partner doesn’t use an Android phone? We might get a Sleep Phaser for her side of the bed, but her phone is an iPhone and can’t run sleep as Android. Can both sides work from the Sleep as Android app on my phone?

  10. Hello Eric, I am sorry, we do not support this scenario at the moment. Sleep As Android need to be running on the both phones. Although, it is a good idea, thanks for it, we might implement it in the future.

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