Will Sleep as Android ever support Gear Fit 2?


SURPRISE!! We support it! READ MORE. The previous version of this post below states how we weren’t able to get the Gear Fit 2 app to the market. We leave it here for historical reasons 🙂 For more technically inclined readers, check out https://medium.com/@roundedeverett/how-to-develop-apps-for-samsung-gear-fit-2-16119801da1b. Since the Gear Fit 2 had been introduced onto the market, there […]

Closing comments on our documentation pages

Hello all folks! We hope this wouldn’t hurt anyone, but we have closed comments on our documentation, in an effort to centralize input from our users. Most of the interaction in the comments was directed towards us as the app developers and it was mostly questions that would qualify as support requests. We feel that […]

Shiny & new Sleep as Android

Finally, a new theme.Settings search + collapsed settings categoriesSleep ScoreSleep time suggestionWhere are we heading? Release romance for the biggest update of the year With the latest update, we’ve begun a transition to what you might call “layman-friendly Sleep as Android”. We realize that the app is very complex and needs quite a bit of […]

Garmin addon goes open source

After too-long a struggle with what seems to be a flood of models of Garmin smartwatches, each coming with a different set of problems, we have decided to open-source the Garmin addon and watch-app code. We hope this will be the best way we can keep the Garmin integration up to date when Garmin spits […]

Sleep Phaser

A smart bedside lamp that tracks your sleep phases. Get your own Sleep Phaser now! Urbandroid Team introduces a different kind of sleep tracking device. With bedroom-friendly design and uniquely used infrared contactless sensor, sleep tracking can finally get invisible. The story behind Sleep Phaser We knew that for the best future compatibility with Sleep as Android, we have to develop our own device. Yes, Sleep as Android offers a lot of integrations with third-party hardware, but at any moment those integrations can break for reasons out of our control. Sleep tracking […]

Automatic fall asleep detection

POST UPDATED on 2018/11/26 with a new feature: Sleep time estimate. There is a large and growing interest from you, users of Sleep as Android, in automatic fall asleep detection. Sleep as Android can estimate your sleep time. But there is no reliable way yet to do fall asleep detection on smartphones. What? Others have […]

Now Sleep as Android talks Mi Band 1+2 (-1S)

The genius Zdenek Horak (Tools & Mi Band) did it again. After introducing the Mi Band 2 earlier Zdenek used his BT hacking superpowers again to make even Mi Band 1.0 (Color) and Mi Band 1A (White) talk with Sleep as Android. Any firmware should be supported on those devices. So now the only stubborn Mi Band […]