
The best of the best: Sleep as Android among 16 Android Excellence Apps of 2017

We are honored to see that Sleep as Android was selected by Google Play Store editors as one of the Android Excellence Apps of 2017. Only fifteen other apps were chosen for this award – for example Skyscanner, Runtastic, Evernote.

Android Excellence Apps is a new category in Play Store, awarding the best apps of the best apps. The apps are chosen (according to Google) on basis of incredible user experience, usage of the best practices, great design, technical performance, localization and device optimization.

Okay, enough bragging. Why should you care about Sleep as Android?

I bet you are interested in your sleep a lot. Whether you have a lot of it or just barely get by, sleep plays a crucial part in your life. The thing is, are you taking an active role in shaping your sleep, or accept whatever the circumstances offer?

Sleep as Android helps you take an active role in shaping your sleep.

Sleep as Android is the leader in the area of sleep monitoring and sleep aid software. In addition to the basic smart alarm and sleep tracking, we offer state-of-the-art functionality:

There are lots of other reasons why Sleep as Android is a useful companion to help you get your shut-eye as efficient as possible. Google seems to approve!

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