On Social Jetlag

We need regular sleep Numerous studies have shown the importance of regular sleep. Not only we need sufficient quantity of sleep, we should also go to bed at and wake up at a regular hour. Various metabolic processes in our body follow cyclic daily patterns (circadian rhythm), and sleep has its own place in it. […]

Sleep as Android talks to Xiaomi Mi Band 1&2

It was a long quest. Starting with the introduction of the first version of the budget band from Xiaomi, we have been flooded with requests from you, the users of Sleep as Android, to make good use of the band. Unfortunately, there was no documented protocol which we could use and the task seemed repeatedly […]

Want to stop snoring? Have a beer!

Naturally, the headline is wrong … for the most part. You can easily google countless studies showing that alcohol before sleep worsens your snoring. And they are right … for the most part. We have verified the relationship between alcohol and snoring on the live data collected from our users (where did we get the […]

How do the data look?

Between Jan 2010 and Aug 2020, we have gathered about 30 million individual sleep records. Most of the data come from the western world, mainly the U.S., as SleepCloud has the most users there. Check the Evidence tab below. Sleep records hold a lot of information about the individual sleeps – we can look at: how long […]

A case for the smart alarm

On average, people sleep around 7 hours a night. But according to our research, it differs a lot with the location. For example, people around the equator tend to sleep less – up to 30 minutes less than the average American! Summary Using smart alarm has a positive effect on the morning mood About 30% […]

Snoring: an apology for the pathology

Everyone will snore a little now and then. But how much can be considered normal? We ran an analysis over 2.5 million nights of snorers and found 3 basic types of snoring behaviour. We’ve also statistically confirmed the common knowledge that alcohol worsens your snoring – and that physical activity will help. Summary 3 types […]

Introducing chronotype detection

For some reason, the western civilization favors morning people with its predominant 9-to-5 job schedule. A portion of people is okay with that, a portion is extremely happy about it, and then, well, there’s the night owl. When we started our big SleepCloud study1 last year, one of the first things we wanted to find […]

SONAR: Revolutionary contactless sleep tracking

Introducing a new way of sleep tracking using ultrasonic waves. Have you been interested in monitoring your sleep, only to be repelled by the fact that you need a phone in your bed? Or an expensive hardware? Sleep tracking has been known as a notoriously uncomfortable process, where you worry about hot phones under your […]

How do we sleep post-brexit?

Do politics get on your nerves? Or are you the type who cannot be bothered by just another corruption affair or election campaign? Turns out that a lot of people are so concerned with political events that it affects the way they sleep. Scientists from National Institute of Mental Health turned their attention to United Kingdom leaving […]

Samsung Gear integration: current state

UPDATE 20161104: The Gear S2 addon is back on the Gear store. Find it under name Sleep as Android – Native Gear Companion. Also make sure to install Sleep as Android – Gear Addon on your phone. UPDATE 20160919: Samsung has instructed us how to solve the issues. We have to rewrite the watch app from […]